TRD101 – Revelation and Faith *
Course Author: Neil Ormerod
A study of Vatican II constitution on revelation, Dei Verbum; some contemporary models of revelation; human experience as the medium of revelation; faith as a particular kind of rational activity, as approaching the divine mystery in a dynamic way; the distinction between faith and belief.
TRD109 – Introduction to Philosophy
Course Author: Greg Moses
Prerequisite: TRD101
Introduction to the process of philosophising by engaging in some classic philosophical issues, with a view to their role in theological studies; human freedom; right and wrong; who or what God might be like; human beings and nature; minds, bodies and souls; death and life after death.
TRD123 – The Sacramental Life
Course Author: Jennifer Herrick
Prerequisite: TRD101
Sacraments as symbol; ritual/rites; sacramentalism; sacramental theology and history of baptism, eucharist, reconciliation, anointing, marriage; ecumenical developments re baptism and eucharist.
TRD131 – Jesus Christ – Centre of Faith
Course Author: Marie Farrell
Prerequisite: TRD101
The central importance of Jesus Christ in Christian faith; the Jesus of history; the witness of Scripture; the developing understanding of the Church; early Church councils; recent theological contributions.
TRD133 – Trinity – Mystery of God
Course Author: Neil Ormerod
Prerequisite: TRD101
The central place of the Trinity in Christian faith; the witness of the Scriptures to belief in the Trinity; the developing understanding of the Church; early Church councils; recent theological contributions.
TRD141 – Mary, Disciple and First Believer
Course Author: Marie Farrell
Prerequisite: TRD101
Study of the relationship in Catholic tradition between Marian theology,
Christology and ecclesiology, through Lumen Gentium 8; contemporary studies in Marian theology; contemporary hermeneutical approaches to Catholic Marian doctrine with application to the ecumenical enterprise; feminist critique of Marian theology.
TRD161 – Contemporary Theologies
Course Author: Neil Ormerod
Prerequisite: TRD101
Recent developments in theology; new theological methods; special studies of liberation and feminist theologies.
*Indicates an Introductory unit