Dr Jim D’Orsa – publications


D’Orsa, Jim and Therese eds. New Ways of Living the Gospel: Spiritual Traditions in Catholic Education. Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2015.

D’Orsa, Jim and Therese. Leading for Mission: Integrating Life, Culture and Faith in Catholic Education. Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2013.

D’Orsa Jim and Therese ‘Mission and Catholic Education’ in Stephen B. Bevans A Century of Catholic Mission: Roman Catholic Missiology 1910 to the Present.  Oxford: Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, 2013.

D’Orsa, Jim and Therese. Explorers, Guides and Meaning-makers: Mission Theology for Catholic Educators. Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2009.

D’Orsa, Jim and Therese. Catholic Curriculum: A Mission to the Heart of Young People. Mulgrave: Garratt, 2011.

D’Orsa, Therese and Jim. ‘Securing Mission at the Heart of the Australian Church’ in Ormerod, N., Rush, O., Pascoe, D., Johnson, C., and Hodge, J. (eds) Vatican II: Reception and Implementation in the Australian Church. Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2012.
Journal Article 

Jim and Therese D’Orsa. ‘Globalisation and Christian Education: Impacts and Responses’ in Peter Price (ed) Interface, Vol 16 No 2, 2013.