All Independent Guided Studies and Immersion Experience will be offered in all sessions as required by students.

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2025 Availability


Teaching Scriptures in the Classroom

Curriculum Objectives

This unit develops students’ skills to use Biblical scholarship, contemporary research, and theories about how students learn to provide high-impact learning opportunities. It covers:

  • Teacher readiness to teach the text, including exploring how to interpret the Bible from a Catholic hermeneutical perspective and the identification and teaching of key concepts;
  • Informed pedagogical decision-making, including investigating learner needs, learning processes and characteristics of age-appropriate pedagogies; and
  • Designing and monitoring Scripture learning for school-aged students.

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this unit of study, students will:

  • demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding to use Biblical commentaries and tools to learn about Scripture
  • demonstrate the ability to discover appropriate meaning from Scripture
  • demonstrate the identification of age-appropriate content to teach Scripture
  • demonstrate skills for informed pedagogical decision-making to plan engaging and innovative units of work, and
  • demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills for analysing Scripture teaching to build stronger professional practice.

Assumed Knowledge

D8120 and D8121

Study hours

10 hours per week for 12 week session, comprised of:

  • At least one hour per week for online lectures.
  • At least three hours per week of reading.
  • At least six hours per week of directed study, including optional and assessable online activities.

Teaching methods

Online lectures; online activities; guided reading; scaffolded assessments; feedback on assessments.

Indicative Assessment

At the Institute, we use a range of assessment tasks, including essays, research papers, online posts, critical reflections, projects and praxis exercises. Within a unit of study, each set of assessment tasks is designed as an integral part of your learning experience. These tasks vary across units and programs. All assessment tasks are aligned to the Australian Qualifications Framework level appropriate for graduate awards.

2025 Availability