Sisters of the Good Samaritan Study and Mentoring Leadership Program Applications Invited for 2022
Since its foundation and throughout its 164 year history, the Sisters of the Good Samaritan have been committed to the flourishing of women. The Sisters have educated girls and women from pre-school to tertiary levels. They also have been engaged in adult education and adult faith formation.
Not only have the Sisters educated women, they have companioned them as mentors, counsellors, spiritual directors and simply as friends.
The Good Samaritan Sisters recognise the need for women’s leadership within the Church for only when women contribute their experience and wisdom, can the Church truly fulfil God’s mission. The Church suffers when women’s gifts are not called upon.
SAM Leadership Program
The Good Samaritan Study and Mentoring (SAM) Leadership Program offers both financial and personal support to mature-aged Catholic women (30 years and over), as they undertake current study or a proposed course at a recognised theological institution. Need to show evidence of Leadership in any context and special consideration will be given to women who are experiencing financial hardship or who live in isolated communities.
The program includes financial assistance for tertiary theological study to a maximum of $8,000 per year. The grant can be spent on tuition or other expenses associated with the completion of the qualification.
A core component of the program is the opportunity for regular personal support, spiritual direction and/or mentoring. Opportunities will also be provided for participants to gather twice a year to share their experiences and to explore questions arising from their study in conversation with experienced women leaders in the Church. Gatherings may be held in person or via Zoom.
Applications for 2022 close on 30 September 2021. To find out more about the program click HERE.